Book an appointment online

If you need to see your GP, then you can book an appointment online using our online system. Our appointments are booked at 15-minute intervals.

Request an appointment

When you request an appointment, we'll recommend the best person and type of appointment for your issue.

We have a range of clinical roles at the practice.

Request an appointment using an online form (KLINIK)

You can request an appointment by telling us about your condition or symptoms using an online form.

We’ll review your answers during practice hours and contact you to make sure you get the right help.

This could be

  • self-care advice
  • a follow-up phone call
  • an in-person appointment

You need to be registered with the practice to use this service.

This platform is available from 7am - 5pm (Monday to Friday), excluding Bank Holidays.

This method is preferred as it provides those without internet access, priority when calling the practice.

Contact the practice by phone

If you do not have internet access or a compatible device you can call the practice to request an appointment.

See practice contact details

If you need help when we’re closed

We provide evening and weekend appointments outside of our normal opening hours. These can be booked by the practice or by calling 111.

Extended access appointments may be at a different location.

If you need help when we’re closed

Urgent advice: Call 111 if you need urgent advice

NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. To get help:

  • go to (for people aged 5 and over only)
  • call 111

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Emergency advice: Call 999 or go to A&E in an emergency

Medical emergencies can include:

  • loss of consciousness
  • an acute confused state
  • fits that are not stopping
  • chest pain
  • breathing difficulties
  • severe bleeding that cannot be stopped
  • severe allergic reactions
  • severe burns or scalds